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Terms and Conditions

Ejarjar Website Terms and Conditions 


Definitions & Terms: "EjarJar" is a trade name for the company "Mutual Benefit Company for Equipment and Tools Rental Services." legally “شركه المنفعه المتبادله لخدمات التأجير المعدات والادوات”





The EjarJar website is a platform made for users to interact with each other as renters and lessees of products in various categories, these terms and conditions govern the use of the platform between EjarJar and users. these terms oprovide you with information about the conditions under which we agree to provide and allow you to access and use our platform, which you should review regularly when using the platform.


1- Your continued use of our platforms constitutes your acceptance of these Terms of Use. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, you must immediately cease using our platform and services.

We reserve the right to make changes and/or updates and/or partial and/or complete amendments to the Terms of Use at any time. If any future changes and/or updates and/or amendments are unacceptable to you, you must immediately cease using our platform and services.


Your continued use of our platforms and services, either now or after the publication of any amendments, updates, or partial amendments to these terms and conditions, constitutes your acceptance of such amendments, updates, and/or partial amendments. You are solely responsible for reviewing these terms and conditions from time to time.


the terms "you" and "your" shall mean any person who uses our Platform or Services in any way, including, but not limited to, persons who browse and/or search the Platform and its contents, or post comments, or use the chat feature, or engage in any content or respond to any advertisement or listed products or contents on the Platform.


2- EjarJar undertakes to take all precautionary and insurance measures to deliver the rented items and preserve their safety. It also undertakes to obtain all necessary information from the lessee and his data to return the item in case of its loss, damage, or any harm that may affect the product's operation. The lessee shall provide the renter with all necessary information for this purpose. The lessee waives his right to claim compensation, whether material or moral, against Ejar Jar after receiving the product.


3- EjarJar is a platform for renting equipment and products. It is an intermediary between Renters and Lessees and does not bear any legal responsibility or obligations towards any party. However, we at Ejar Jar provide the best possible means and methods to ensure the product or goods.

4- EjarJar is considered a platform that allows its users who agree to these terms to offer products, equipment, goods, and anything else that can be rented for rent and provides on-site payment and direct payment to the renter.


5- You acknowledge that EjarJar is not responsible for uploads, advertisements, user-generated content, user-submitted information, files, images, photos, videos, audio, user-submitted information, or any other materials available through the platform and service (hereinafter referred to as "Content"). You may be exposed to offensive, inappropriate, inaccurate, misleading, or unacceptable content while using the platform and service. To the extent permitted by law, you are responsible for and must evaluate the use of any content and bear all risks associated therewith. You may not rely on the aforementioned content, and EjarJar shall not be liable in any way for the content or any loss and/or damage of any kind whatsoever resulting from browsing, searching, using, or reading any content posted or sent by email or otherwise made available through the service.

6- EjarJar is not obligated to pre-screen or approve any Content, but EjarJar has the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to reject, delete, or move any Content that is or may be available through the Service for reasons of violating these Terms and EjarJar has been notified of such violation or for any other reason or no reason at all.


in addition, the Platform and the Content available through the Platform may contain links to third-party websites (hereinafter referred to as "Third Party Platforms") that are not affiliated with EjarJar. If you link to Third Party Platforms, you may be subject to the terms and conditions of those platforms and/or other policies. To the extent permitted by law, EjarJar makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy or correctness of the information contained in any such Third Party Platform, and your linking to any other websites is, to the extent permitted by law, entirely at your own risk and EjarJar disclaims all liability for the same.


7- You are solely responsible for the content that you post, send, or link to through or by the service, and for the consequences of posting, sending, linking, or including it.


8- You agree that during the period in which the content is available on the platform, you have the necessary licenses, rights, approvals and permissions to use such content on the service and platform (including, but not limited to, all patent rights, trademarks, trade secrets and copyrights or property rights in this content and any and all such content) and that you authorize EjarJar to use this content in any way, not limited to including and using the content in the manner followed by the service and platform and these terms.


9- No user content, opinion, statement, recommendation, or advice expressed on the EjarJar platform, to the extent permitted by law, reflects the opinion of EjarJar. EjarJar is expressly disclaimed from any responsibility, in whole or in part, with respect to user content. Ejar Jar does not allow activities that violate copyright and infringe intellectual property rights on the platform. EjarJar has the right, at its sole discretion, to exclude any infringing content. EjarJar reserves the right to exclude any content without prior notice. EjarJar also has the right to terminate the user's access to the platform. In addition, at its own discretion.


10- The following practices are prohibited on EjarJar: Creating multiple accounts, Selling any accounts, Creating any account with incorrect or misleading information, Publishing duplicate content, Deleting and republishing the same content, Publishing content with misleading titles content or images, Publishing content with inappropriate images, Publishing content in incorrect categories, Publishing content with unrealistic prices, Publishing content with redirect links to other websites, Uploading images containing names, phone numbers, or any other words, Publishing phone numbers in ad titles, Publishing content with prepaid or bank transfer payment options, Publishing generic content, Publishing multiple items in one ad, Using personal photos for user account or store account.

11- Any advertisement, post, message, or comment, whether public or private, that contains one or more of the following prohibited contents will be deleted as soon as it is identified and/or the user is notified in writing. EjarJar reserves the right to permanently delete the user's account, blacklist the account, and/or report the content and user information to the legal authorities or the appropriate authority: alcoholic beverages, liquor, illegal tobacco products, drugs, illegal psychotropic substances, narcotic stimulants of any kind, illegal drugs, pain relievers/or therapeutic drugs. you should not provide a direct or indirect link to them or include descriptions of goods and services prohibited by any applicable law (local approval and business licenses for food supplements, weight loss products and cosmetics must be submitted first) a living and/or dead person and/or all or any part or organ of any human being that has been preserved or preserved by any means, whether artificial or natural, including blood, body fluids and/or body parts. prostitution or any other service of a similar nature that aims to violate any law or regulation related to the representation or portrayal of women or children and the contemporary standards of morality and decency in Arab society. offensive material prepared for use in a sexual context including “enslavery” and  “lustness” expressing sexual activity or visualizing or mimicking human genitals in a way that “mimicks reality” or in a realistic way. “antiquities” and “artistic-treasures” Not authorized for sale or trade under any applicable law. informations or materials that are of a defamatory, threatening, or offensive. misleading and fraudulent information about the nature and use of goods or services. counterfeit, pirated, illegal, and/or stolen goods or unauthorized or illegal services (services that you are not licensed or authorized to perform). materials, goods, and services that violate or attempt to conceal the intellectual property of any third party, publicity rights, or moral rights, and/or aim to violate any personal right to privacy. sending electronic viruses of any kind or any computer program that facilitates hacking of the computer system with the intention of harming the computer or computer network or intercepting any personal data. Content that should not be included in your information: hateful content that demeans or defames others content that might be directed at an individual or group or advocates violence against any individuals and/or animals. dangerous chemicals and pesticides fireworks and destructive devices or explosives, this includes any information on how to make fireworks, destructive devices, explosive detonators and explosive devices. personal identification documents and financial records, personal information (in any form, including email lists), lottery tickets, lottery entries, and gambling machines. military or police insignia, uniforms, and logos any government logos, insignia, and/or materials related to the military or police that are not allowed to be sold or traded under any applicable law. weapons and related materials (like firearms, firearm parts and magazines, ammunition, tear gas, stun guns, or switchblades). “multi-level marketing” and “pyramid schemes” and/or similar scams that are only purpose to defrauding users. 


spam, abusive, and repetitive emails, inclusion and scam schemes (e.g. "get rich quick" schemes, "work from home" schemes that are only purpose to deceive users). endangered animals or animals marketed for fighting or offensive purposes. loans, financing services, and unlicensed financing companies. listings for maids or maid relinquishment unless they are licensed local offices or companies. listings or advertisements that include the transfer of a residence permit. drones and their accessories.


12- EjarJar does not provide any warranty or guarantee and does not bear any responsibility for any product, goods, equipment, or anything else that has been rented. It does not promote any type of investment or advertising opportunities and is not responsible for any returns, refunds, or disputes that arise between users of the platform.


13- The lessee understands that the rented item is a trust with him and must be returned in the same condition in which he used it. Any misuse of the item exposes the lessee to legal liability under the article of breach of trust. The lessee shall bear any guarantee or compensation to the lessor according to the price of the item in the local market.


14- The renter of the piece guarantees that the piece offered is sound and free of any problems. He/she shall bear any responsibility in the event of concealing any defect and shall guarantee compensation for concealing the defect. The renter shall undertake to put the real value of the piece in addition to the value of the rent.


15- Users of Ijar Jar (renters) agree that EjarJar will receive a variable rental commission of no less than 17% and no more than 30% of the rental value. The percentage will be determined based on the value of the property, the rental value, and as deemed appropriate by the site management. The commission will be applied to the total invoice amount and will be deducted by EjarJar immediately after payment.


16- Users undertake to provide true information about themselves and grant EjarJar the right to use this information, including phone numbers, email addresses, usernames, and passwords, for work purposes. By agreeing to the terms and conditions, users grant this right to EjarJar. Users also understand that EjarJar uses cookies to improve the quality of service and provide the best possible experience.


17- If any provision of these terms and conditions is invalid, void, or unenforceable for any reason, such provision shall be struck from these terms and conditions and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.


18- The user understands that in the event of any dispute, EjarJar is not responsible and does not guarantee any compensation or direct commitment from its side. Rather, it acts as an indirect mediator between the renter and lessee. EjarJar will take all appropriate legal precautions, both paper and non-paper, if any, to ensure the rights of the renter. This is to do the necessary to the extent possible to avoid any dispute and the laws of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan are the applicable laws, and the Jordanian courts are the competent courts to consider any dispute.


19- The renter understands that all of renter’s information will not be visible to the lessee, except for specific sections that are pre-approved by EjarJar under specific and strict conditions - it is not permissible for renter’s information to appear on the leased product.


20- I understand, as a user of the EjarJar website, that the website management does not bear any legal responsibility for the unavailability of any of the products offered, and that all products offered are the property of the renter, and EjarJar acts as an intermediary between the renter and the lessee.


21- I, the user, understand that as far as medical equipment, tools, and supplies are concerned, EjarJar is not a medical entity and the lessee must present the patient to the relevant doctor to take the necessary measures according to medical practice regulations.


22- I understand that the user of the EjarJar website agrees that the company does not bear any legal responsibility for the misuse of the product, and that the user bears all legal responsibility for any damage resulting from the misuse of the product or any harm after receiving the product in accordance with the receipt form. It is understood that EjarJar will provide a video or explanatory leaflet for products that require such use, depending on the availability of this video or leaflet from the renter.

23- In the case of advance booking for a product for a future period exceeding 24 hours, 50% of the total rental price must be paid. This fee is non-refundable in case of cancellation.


24- I understand as the renter that additional fees may apply to some or all products when completing the order in the final step on the order page. These fees may include, but are not limited to, delivery fees, etc.


25- I understand as the landlord that I will receive my share of the rental transaction at the end of the process, after the rental item is returned to my custody.


26-I, the renting party, understand that if I wish to extend the rental period after the expiration of the original period, I will carry out this process through the website again by re-ordering the product with the same previous steps as was done previously.

27-I, the renting party, understand that the time for returning the rented item (product) to the company’s delivery employee is before two o’clock in the afternoon, and in the event that the product is not returned at this time for any reason whatsoever on my part, I, the renter, will incur additional fees amounting to a day’s rent for each day of delay. An exception to this condition is the tenant’s desire for an additional extension of the lease. This can be done by communicating with the company or extending it electronically through the website.


28-I, the leasing party and the lessee, understand that the pricing policy for the products and/or services provided may change from time to time.


29- EjarJar website is a Jordanian limited liability company based in Amman.


30- I understand, as the tenant or the one who filled out the application, that once a message is received from the company indicating (the receipt of the application along with the application number), this means my approval of the application. This is based on having previously provided the company with my phone number related to the application. Otherwise, if I do not wish to proceed with this application, I must formally notify the company of this via phone call to the company's number or by emailing the official email announced on their website and on social media.


31- I, the tenant, understand that one of the ways to complete and finalize the rental process is by receiving a message from Ejar Jar stating that (the rental process has been successfully completed...etc.). In this case, neither I nor Ejar Jar have the right to question or request from each other any legal and/or financial documents.





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