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Delivery Policy

Delivery Policy

This policy applies to all rental operations conducted through the Ejare Gar website. Please read it carefully before completing your rental process.

Delivery Costs:

Delivery costs are calculated and may vary depending on the size and weight of the rented product, as well as the delivery distance. Delivery costs will be displayed on the checkout page before completing the rental process.

Delivery Agents:

We aim to deliver all rentals within 24 hours from the start date of the rental. However, delivery may take longer during busy periods or due to unforeseen circumstances. If your delivery is delayed, we will contact you to inform you.

Delivery Locations:

Currently delivery is available within Amman city the capital of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. However, driven by our ambitions we will soon expand to cover other regions as well ,there may be some restrictions on delivery to certain areas. (To check the covered areas, please follow our latest updates on the website's homepage or on social media, and you can also contact us at the company's number).

Delivery Instructions:

Upon completing the rental process, you will have the option to provide delivery instructions. Please inform us of the delivery location and whether there is a specific person to receive the shipment.

Shipping Process and Procedures:

The product is sent from the seller to our warehouses. The product is then thoroughly inspected at our warehouse facility before being dispatched to our customers. We deliver these shipments promptly using external courier services, which deliver orders on our behalf.

Reasons for Delay:

Some orders may sometimes be subject to longer transit times due to:

  • Inclement weather conditions.
  • Holiday periods or national holidays.
  • Natural disasters.
  • Other unforeseen circumstances.
  • Road closures.
  • Reasons beyond our control, such as the unavailability of the product for reasons specific to the lessor.

Express delivery fees (fast delivery) within one to two hours inside the borders of Amman Governorate amount to 2 dinars.


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